2017-2018 Lesson 17: Luke Jow

Please remember to do Blue Note

Notes & Makeups

Lesson Assignments:

  1. Blue Note - 10 Correct in Under:

    1. Treble Clef: Level 4: LETTERS: beat your personal best time of 43 seconds (20 is goal!)
    2. Treble Clef: Level 4: SOLFEGE: beat your personal best time of 34 seconds (20 is goal)
    3. Bass Clef: Level 3: LETTER: (20 is goal) 
    4. Bass Clef: Level 3: SOLFEGE: (20 is goal)
  2. Arabesque Op. 100 No. 2 by Burgmuller

    1. Use your section work practice chart I emailed your parents. Use this and complete the boxes.  
  3. Musette by Felix le Couppey

    1. mm. 2-End - count. Be sure that your half notes aren't too long.
    2. Fix all other pink pen in the RH
    3. Add the LH by practicing in small chunks.   
  4. Chopin Prelude

    1. Clean pedaling in m. 63
    2. mm. 60 - 67 - clean pedaling by holding your LH notes here appropriate. 
    3. Heel on the floor when you pedal
    4. Learn the last page -  as much as possible.