Lesson 16/16, Marina Rocha ℗

Really beautiful work!

Minuet: remember character of minuet; most on beat 1; least on beatts 2-3,. Make sure to please detach second last bars. Nice dynamic changes in B and repeat!

Bluestone: refresh HS! also work on slightly slower- both seem a bit frenetic for what we are trying to present. Think about how speed of a piece affects the listener.

Try to work on tricky sps slowly first, NY actually looking at the parts and notes. It's easy to hope for the best, but often times we”practice in” mistakes which are more difficult to smoothen in the long run of we don't address then right away. You sound great! (Patience is our friend!)

Arabesque- great speed at end!!! Try to play the entire piece at this amazing, steady pace. Clear accents!