2018-2019 Lesson 22


- C Major, G Major, A minor harmonic, E minor harmonic. Practice with a metronome at 80 and remember to always alternate fingers with i and m

- remember to play the chord at the end of each scale


- work on playing the first exercise through smoothly. Play with metronome at 120

- practice second exercise at 120

Finger Independence exercise - just go through once, play the strings

Etude in A minor

- watch right hand/arm positioning when playing this piece. Remember, rest your arm on the guitar and have your wrist slightly bent

-  practice dynamics with the metronome at 72 so that you don’t speed up or slow down while changing dynamics

Andantino in C major

- Try practicing with the metronome set to the eighth note at 100 to make transitions smooth

- make sure to follow the right and left hand fingerings 

Carulli Waltz

- focus on last two lines, making sure that you are following the fingerings

- remember to keep your wrist away from top