2018-2019 Lesson 6: Jacob Djebali-Radowitz

Lesson Assignments

  1. THEORY: Unit 1 (blue pamphlet)

    1. Prepare 4-7

  2. This is Me! Greatest Showman

    1. See your new practice video!

  3. Celebrate Piano! Lesson & Musicianship 1A (green book)

    1. Prepare pages 20-22

      1. Memorize the names: “quarter note & half note”

  4. *Basic Rhythmic Training (red book)

    1. Memorize info on page 8 and do Nos. 4 and 5!

      1. Clap the pulse (the small down-stem notes on the bottom)

      2. “Ta” the rhythm (the larger up-stem notes on the top)

  5. Celebrate Piano! Solos 1 (green book)

    1. No assignment
