2019-2020 - Lesson 2 of 16

2019-2020 Private Lesson Enrollment: Semester

Lesson Assignments:


  1. Hanon No. 1

    1. Hands Alone Ascending and descending: VERY SLOWLY

      1. CLOSE LOUD - watch the video below

        1. Attack the key with a forward wrist and round finger

        2. Immediately release your energy and relax your wrist and arm.

        3. All notes are legato.

READING: (hold)

  1. Piano Adventures: Sightreading Book: Level 1

    1. Read the intro together on pages 4 and 5

  2. Solos 1

    1. No assignment

  3. *Lesson & Musicianship 1B


    2. https://www.amazon.com/Celebrate-Piano-Lesson-Musicianship-1B/dp/0887978193


  1. *Level 1 RCM

    1. Finish Pages 30 and 31


  1. *Melodic Dictation

    1. 2nds and 3rds with Dustin

  2. *Ear Training

    1. Up 2nds, 3rds & 5ths: melodic

    2. See your staff paper for the “Ear Training Intervals” assignment.

  3. Rhythm

    1. WITH DUSTIN: No. 38

      1. Learn 5/4 conducting

  4. **Solfege

    1. **Prepare Nos. 4 & 5 on pages 16 & 17

      1. Set metronome to m.m. 40 and say and play the syllables with the metronome.

      2. If you make a mistake, move ON! Don’t correct it.

      3. Use finger 2 and don’t play through more than three times for each practice session. This will get easier after each day of practice. Don’t worry if it’s not correct on the first 2-3 days of practice.


  1. Cuckoo

    1. Good work hands alone on ms. 1-4

    2. Why are there not check marks in the boxes for mm. 1-4 LH?

    3. Please complete the sections indicated in the NFRPE chart

    4. YOU MUST GO VERRRRRRRY SLOWLY when playing hands together! :)