October 20, 2023

Assignment Key

đź’š = Assignment on track. Keep up the good work.

đź’› = Assignment needs special attention - a bit more work.

❤️ = Assignment was not done, or needs a lot of extra attention.

💜 = We didnt’ get to this at the lesson and we’ll start with it next week.

Newzik Account

Username: winteng@gmail.com

Password: Studnet577

Lesson Blog


2023 Winter Semester Milestones

  1. NFPRE

Lesson Grades

  1. October 20, 2023:

  2. September 27, 2023: đź’› - needs more work, attention to detail.

  1. đź’šNFRPE:

    1. In Newzik, under Charts and Guides, study the NFRPE Older Beginner page. Read this every day.

    2. This needs to be read more carefully.

  2. đź’›Hanon: The Virtuoso Pianist (6 minutes minimum)

    1. No. 1: Much better! By Wednesday, please pay more attention to step No. 3 below.

      1. STEP 1: The fingers that need to play go straight UP

      2. STEP 2: All fingers come come down to touch the keys and make sure your striking finger is ROUND

      3. STEP 3: RELAX before you go back to repeat step 1 (every finger touches the keyboard during this step)

  1. đź’śFour Star: Sight-reading & Ear Tests

    1. Do with Dustin next week.

  1. ❤️❤️Celebrate Theory Level 1

    1. ❤️Unit 2 - Fix all the red pen in your homework. PLEASE FIND THIS FOR WEDNESDAY

    2. đź–¤Unit 3 - on hold

    3. đź–¤Unit 5 - on hold

  1. đź’šCelebration by Anne Crosby-Gaudet

    1. Measures 1-3 (watch the new video)

      1. Set the metronome to 100 (the “beat” should say 1, and “bpm” should say 100)

      2. Get in the correct sitting position (feet flat, straight back, shoulders down, wrists up)

      3. Play the rhythm in your lap remember to “poke with stick fingers” and don’t stay on the keys / lap

      4. Play the notes on the keyboard with the same position and poke high above the keyboard. SHOULDERS DOWN.

    2. Measure 4

      1. Relearn the fingering and play with wrists up and shoulders down.

      2. 3 times correctly each practice session.

    3. Measures 9-12 (watch the new video)

      1. Goal is to play with wrists up, blocked (all notes together in the same color) and with correct fingering.

      2. Think before you play, looking at each measure first.

      3. 3 times correctly each practice session.

    4. Measure 14

      1. Quarter note = two metronome tics

      2. Drop like you’re playing staccato, but stay on the keys after the attack and move wrist forward / up slightly.

      3. 3 times correctly each practice session.

đź’śCzerny Op. 823, No. 3

  1. Start with Dustin next week